
标题: 机器人辅助颈椎手术指南
title: Guidelines for Robot-Assisted Cervical Spine Surgery
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 标准指南
classification: Standard guideline
领域: 治疗
field: Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 本指南使用人群为开展和参与机器人辅助颈椎手术的医务工作者(包括临床医师、护师等)。
Guide users: The population of users is intended for healthcare workers (including clinical physicians, nurses, etc.) who perform and participate in robot-assisted cervical spine surgery.
证据分级方法: 原始证据方法学质量评价使用:对纳入的系统评价/Meta分析使用AMSTAR(A Measure Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews)评价;指南选用中国临床实践评价标准(Agree-China);随机对照研究(Randomised Controlled Trials)采用改良Jadad量表评价,非随机对照研究使用MINORS评价条目评价,观察性研究使用纽卡斯尔-渥太华量表(Newcastle-Ottawa Scale,NOS)进行评价。证据质量评价采用GRADE工具。评价由2人独立完成,存在分歧时由第3位研究员参与讨论并达成共识。
Evidence grading method: Methodological quality evaluation of primary evidence: AMSTAR (A Measure Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews) was used for the included systematic reviews/Meta-analyses; AGREE-China were used for the guidelines; randomized controlled studies ( RCT) were evaluated using the Modified Jadad Scale, non-randomised controlled studies were evaluated using the MINORS, and observation studies were evaluated using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS).The quality of evidence was evaluated using the GRADE tool. The evaluation was done independently by 2 people, and a third researcher participated in the discussion and reached consensus when there was disagreement.
制定单位: 国家骨科医学中心-北京积水潭医院
Formulating unit: National Center for Orthopedics-Beijing Jishuitan Hospital
注册时间: 2023-06-07
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2023CN378
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 为指导和规范机器人辅助j技术在颈椎手术应用,提高机器人辅助技术在颈椎手术临床应用的安全性和准确性。
Purpose of the guideline: To guide and standardize the application of robot-assisted navigation durging cervical spine surgery and improve the safety and accuracy of robot-assisted navigation.