
标题: 蒙医防治图赖病(类风湿关节炎)专家共识
title: Expert consensus on the prevention and treatment of tulai disease (RA) by Mongolian Medicine
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 诊疗
field: Diagnosis and Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 本共识的使用人群包括中医风湿病、西医风湿免疫以及民族医相关专业医疗人员,特别是基层蒙医执业医师。
Guide users: The users of this consensus include medical professionals of rheumatism in traditional Chinese medicine, rheumatism and immunity in western medicine, and ethnic medicine, especially grass-roots Mongolian medicine practitioners.
证据分级方法: 采用中医药临床研究证据的分级标准: I级: 随机对照试验及其系统综述、N-of-1试验系统综述 Ⅱ级: 非随机临床对照试验、队列研究、N-of-1试验 Ⅲ级: 病例对照研究、前瞻性病例系列 IV级: 规范化的专家共识、回顾性病例系列、历史性对照研究 V级: 非规范化专家共识、病例报告、经验总结
Evidence grading method: According to the grading standard of clinical research evidence of traditional Chinese medicine: Level I: Randomized controlled trials and their systematic review, N-of-1 trial systematic review. Level II: non randomized clinical controlled trials, cohort studies, n-of-1 trials. Level III: case-control study, prospective case series. Level IV: standardized expert consensus, retrospective case series, historical controlled studies. Level V: non standardized expert consensus, case report, experience summary.
制定单位: 云南省中医医院
Formulating unit: Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
注册时间: 2024-10-07
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN754
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 类风湿关节炎(Rheumatoid Arthritis,RA)是以侵蚀性、对称性多关节炎为主要临床表现的慢性、全身性自身免疫性疾病,是风湿病中的重大疑难疾病,病因复杂,与遗传、环境、性激素等多种因素有关。 RA的全球患病率为0.5%~1%,中国大陆地区患病率为0.28~0.4%,男女患病比率约为1:4。RA病程5-10年致残率60%,30年致残率超过90%,常见心脏病变、间质肺病、骨质疏松等多种并发症,严重影响患者劳动力和生活质量,给患者家庭和社会带来沉重的经济负担,多角度挖掘整理RA诊疗方法对于人类健康具有重要意义。 蒙医学认为,人所以患病是因为人体赫依、希拉、巴达干、琪素( 血) 、希拉乌苏( 黄水) 、黏或浩日害( 虫) 等内在因素发生了异常变化。由于饮食、起居、时节及其他因素的影响,上述任何一个或几个因素失去正常状态及相互之间的平衡关系,使人体组织器官受损而导致疾病。蒙医治疗该病的以燥协日乌素、清血热及辨证施治为原则。推荐的药物有额勒吉根楚斯-25、森登 --23、查干古古勒-10、嘎日迪-5、萨仁-嘎日迪等。但目前尚未对蒙医防治图赖病(类风湿关节炎)建立规范的诊疗方案,难以获得公认并在临床推广应用。 近年来多个国际风湿病领域的学术组织分别制订或修订了各自的RA诊疗指南,我国也结合国情及RA诊治的实际情况,制定了相关指南。蒙医作为民族医药的重要组成部分,治疗类风湿关节炎有一定优势,对该病的治疗积累了丰富临床经验,形成了一些独具特色的疗法,且多因地制宜、选取道地药材、毒副作用小、简便廉验,常用的疗法有内服法或内服配合针灸、熏蒸、刺血拔罐、火疗等,对于改善症状、提高临床疗效十分有效。虽然蒙医对防治类风湿关节炎具有一定优势,对其有独特、完整的认识,但目前尚未形成规范的指南或建议或专家共识,难以获得公认并在临床推广应用。本共识致力于充分发掘和发挥蒙医药在治疗类风湿关节炎方面的独特优势,旨在为临床医师提供科学、实用的治疗建议,以指导其临床决策,从而改善患者的预后和生活质量。同时有助于提升蒙医药在学术界的影响力和认可度。
Purpose of the guideline: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease with aggressive, symmetric polyarthritis as the main clinical manifestation. It is a major and difficult disease in rheumatism. The etiology is complex, and it is related to many factors such as genetics, environment, sex hormones and so on. The global prevalence of RA is 0.5% - 1%, and the prevalence in mainland China is 0.28% - 0.4%. The prevalence ratio of men and women is about 1:4. The disability rate of RA in 5-10 years is 60%, and the disability rate of RA in 30 years is more than 90%. A variety of complications such as heart disease, interstitial lung disease, osteoporosis, etc. are common, which seriously affect the labor force and quality of life of patients, and bring heavy economic burden to patients' families and society. It is of great significance for human health to explore and sort out RA diagnosis and treatment methods from multiple angles. According to Mongolian medicine, people suffer from diseases because of abnormal changes in internal factors such as Heyi, Sheila, badakan, Qisu (blood), Sheila Wusu (yellow water), sticky or Haori damage (insects). Due to the influence of diet, daily life, season and other factors, any one or several of the above factors lose the normal state and the balance between each other, causing damage to human tissues and organs and resulting in disease. Mongolian medicine treatment of the disease is based on the principles of dryness, xieriwusu, clearing blood heat and syndrome differentiation. The recommended drugs are Elji genchus-25, senden-23, Chagan gugul-10, garidi-5, Saren Garidi, etc. However, at present, no standardized diagnosis and treatment scheme has been established for the prevention and treatment of tulai disease (rheumatoid arthritis) by Mongolian medicine, which is difficult to be recognized and applied in clinical practice. In recent years, many international academic organizations in the field of Rheumatology have formulated or revised their own RA diagnosis and treatment guidelines, and China has also formulated relevant guidelines in combination with the national conditions and the actual situation of RA diagnosis and treatment. Mongolian medicine, as an important part of ethnic medicine, has certain advantages in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It has accumulated rich clinical experience in the treatment of the disease, and has formed some unique therapies. Most of them are adapted to local conditions, select genuine medicinal materials, have little toxic and side effects, and are simple and inexpensive. Commonly used therapies include oral administration or oral administration combined with acupuncture, fumigation, blood pricking cupping, and fire therapy, which are very effective in improving symptoms and improving clinical efficacy. Although Mongolian medicine has certain advantages in the prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and has a unique and complete understanding of it, it has not yet formed a standardized guide or recommendation or expert consensus, which is difficult to be recognized and applied in clinical practice. This consensus is committed to fully explore and give full play to the unique advantages of Mongolian medicine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, aiming to provide clinicians with scientific and practical treatment suggestions to guide their clinical decision-making, so as to improve the prognosis and quality of life of patients. At the same time, it will help to enhance the influence and recognition of Mongolian medicine in the academic community.