
标题: 遗传性心律失常药物治疗专家共识
title: Expert Consensus on Drug Therapy for Inherited Arrhythmia
版本: 原创版
version: Original
分类: 专家共识
classification: Experts consensus
领域: 治疗
field: Treatment
国家和地区: 中国
Country and region: China
指南使用者: 临床医生
Guide users: Clinicians
证据分级方法: 所有推荐为C级证据
Evidence grading method: Level of evidence C
制定单位: 中华医学会心电生理和起搏分会
Formulating unit: Chinese Medical Association Electrophysiology and Pacing Branch
注册时间: 2024-10-08
Registration time:
注册编号: PREPARE-2024CN742
Registration number:
指南制订的目的: 近年来遗传性心律失常的基因型和表型研究取得了很大进展,其治疗策略也发生了显著变化。尽管器械治疗、消融治疗对降低患者猝死发挥了重要作用。但对患者急性发作期的治疗及长期治疗中减少和预防发心律失常的反复发作,药物仍然是重要的治疗手段,与介入和器械治疗形成互补。
Purpose of the guideline: Recently, great progress has been made in the study of the genotype and phenotype of hereditary arrhythmias.The treatment strategies have also undergone significant changes. For the treatment of patients with hereditary arrhythmias, medication therapy still plays an important role, which complements interventional and instrumental therapy.